Santa's Play Land is set up on my Fireplace Hearth. I guess you could say it it at the North Pole.
Even Santa is reminded of the reason for the season by this wall hanging. See the creche and the star by the "e".
The elves live at the edge of the forest and are really the ones who keep watch over the village.
This is the reindeer keeper's home. Doesn't he have a quaint little place. (He does share it with the rest of the stable workers.)
The barn. We have to keep the animals happy.
And the stable workers.
The reindeer have their own home. Look they even have their names above the window.
Santa's Solider Factory? They're really not soldiers--we want them to feel important as they go about making all of the toys for the good boys and girls and parents.
Santa and Mrs. Claus have an enchanted cottage closer to the main village. Mrs. Claus has to be in the middle of things, you know.
Chores must be done but they are a joy because everyone likes what they do in this town.
Shhhhhh! School is in session.
Everyone wants to live in Santa Land so we have two schools.

Ooops. Someone forgot to tell these little ones that recess is over.
The police keep the town in order. (They have a really cushy job.)
But . . . they are really serious about their job. Can't you tell?
Don't be fooled by the antiquated fire truck. It does the job.
Oh no! It's time to go.
Oh my! What are Santa and Frosty up to now.
I'm linking up with:
French Country Cottage for
Feathered Nest Holiday.
My Romantic Home for
Show and Tell Friday.
Southern in My Heart for
Inspiration Friday
Tinsel & Company for
Deck the Halls Friday